Ability of a machine to display human capabilities such as reasoning, learning, planning and creativity.
Why is artificial intelligence important?
Weak AI: Weak Artificial Intelligence.
Strong AI: Strong Artificial Intelligence.
AI at the service of administration and business processes.

The SDB Change Congress will face the new frontiers of Artificial Intelligence. Pope Francis calls into question the ancient and ever new role of the Church: to ensure that the person, the image of God, is the center and not the margin of all human conquest. In the case of technological apparatuses this means that the conscience of those who invent them is not enough, but it is necessary to train those who use them.
Today, we see a new frontier that we could call “algorithm-ethics”. It intends to ensure a competent and shared verification of the processes according to which the relationships between human beings and machines are integrated in our era. In the common search for these objectives, we offer a decisive contribution: dignity of the person, justice, subsidiarity and solidarity.
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Fr Ricardo Carlos, BCG Inspector, answers two key questions of the SDB Change Congress: regarding the economy of the Salesian Congregation, what are the challenges you see for the future? Current technologies (blockchain, etc.) can improve our lives and the world, becoming a tool of sustainability. What must the Congregation do to improve the use of modern technologies in the future? Watch the video.

At the SDB Change Congress we will reflect on the topic of #Artificial #Intelligence and its use, in order to promote a better awareness of the profound cultural impact that AI could have on human society.
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